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Brilliant RoadMap to Learning Spanish Now!

So, you've just been handed the southern region of Mexico from your sales director and congratulated on your promotion!  There's just one don't speak Spanish!  and sure you have a pretty generous budget but does it include having an interpreter travel with you all expenses paid? Interpreters aren't cheap, I know because I am one as well!
     Let's start with..It's going to be okay!  We are going to talk about a plan that works if you work with it.  There are four major "must dos" to getting off to a good start to becoming bilingual and in this fabulous blog I am going to let go of those four secrets because it has been a really good day!!!

1.  Connect with your local college/university/professional social media site, immediately..right now! and find out "who is who", in the Spanish tutoring/instruction world!  I recommend a private tutor, and yes I know there will be a cost but  the investment is what I like to call "ten fold"
You want a comprehensive tutor or instructor for one on one instruction which will accelerate your studies yet still give you a great foundation!  
2.Check out reviews, personal referrals, in other words make sure that your tutor/instructor is worth their weight in gold so to speak.  Make sure that the tutorial time that you both mutually arrange is going to work consisently. Find out what cancellation policies, rescheduling of classes etc. policies there are and that they work for you.
3. Start to live, eat,and sleep Spanish!!! So......the minute you get home from the office,flip on the Spanish language station and unwind to Camila (an amazing spanish speaking singing group) or Miguel Bose ( a voice like pure butter yet grounded!) It's super important to start familiarizing yourself with the beautiful tones of Spanish..the melodic accent.  This is vital because you will start to hear yourself take on those tones the more that you listen to them.  Watch for future blogs on accesing your inner Spanish accent!
4. Let everyone know that you are studying Spanish...and I mean everyone!  Word travels fast and in this case it is a good thing!  People who are already bilingual native or otherwise will love to help you practice!  It is quite fabulous! how the world becomes a much more friendlier place when you start your Spanish studies!

Well, that's it!  There are other important "must dos" but these top my list!  Trust me I have been doing this for twenty years! Tutoring, I mean not studying Spanish :) just wanted to clarify!!!!


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