So, it's get real with a fun little concept in Spanish called "Demonstrative Adjectives".
Why? You ask? Because at some point in time we all need to say this or that or these or those in Spanish! It's just a fun fact of life. Demonstrative Adjectives are also really important to know for..oh let's say that massive cumulative exam coming up next week. Well, my people, today is the day we nail Demonstrative Adjectives for now and always in just four key concepts!
Grab that cup of tea and read on!
1. Read, Remember, and Rely on this next little saying...
This and These take the T's
That and Those do Not
So, what does it all mean Watson?
Well, just this:
Este= This Esta=This
Estos= These. Estas= These
Ese= That. Esos= Those
Esa= That. Esas= Those
Now say that fun little saying again while looking directly at the chart! Do you see the magic that just happened? The words this and these Spanish literally use the letter "t" in them while the words that and those , literally do not use the letter "t".
2. Why are the even called Demonstrative Adjectives anyway? Well, basically when we say any of those words in Spanish, we usually point or head nod or do some gesture to "demonstrate ' the listener where or what we're talking about. Adjective is used because they are describing whatever word is following them. Ex: This car= Este coche
3. Because they are Adjectives, they must match in number and gender. So, if the word following is singular and masculine then just need to make sure that your Demonstrative Adjective is also singular and masculine .
4. Remember that Demonstrative Adjectives can't stand on their own! They love company!
So just be sure to include a noun or whatever it is, they are describing.
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Need More Grounding in this? Click and Schedule a Free 15 Minute Coaching Tutorial with Me!
***Added star Note! To talk about something that is far away like mountains, we have the words aqquel , aquella, aquellos, aquellas.. I'll talk about those in the next blog!!
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